Weblogs or "blogs" have become an easy and fun way to publish ideas to the Web. You can publish a short and finite collection of posts to promote your business/career, or you can decide to create a topical or research focus to which you continue to add to daily or weekly. Either way, you are creating something that you can share with others in your professional life.
Here at the library, we have been tremendously happy with Blogger/Blogspot, a free blogging and hosting service owned by Google. There are many more, like Vox.com, typepad.com, and wordpress.com to name a few. The services are either free with ads or very inexpensive.
As a professional resource, think about how this fits your "brand" and your vision for your career, whether clinical, academic or entrepreneurial. You can always decide to upgrade to a more formal site later, start additional blogs for different topics or talents, or delete your blog when it no longer serves its purpose.
Talk to a librarian if you want to learn more about how to get started.