Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Cooliris (formerly known as PicLens)

In search of images that will add visual interest to your work?
Interested in visual researching?
Cooliris can help.
This Firefox add-on is easy (and fun) to use. Once installed,
images are presented as a 3D wall that you can effortlessly zip along.
Just click on the image to bring it to the fore and zoom in.
Each picture has a small globe icon which you can click on to
jump to its corresponding website.You can easily share the images by clicking the envelope icon which allows you to email them to others. Cooliris is a great time saver as it taps into the image resources of many popular websites and search engines including Google, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, deviantArt, Photobucket, and Yahoo.

Firefox can be downloaded free from: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/.
The Cooliris add-on can then be installed from: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=cooliris&cat=all .