Tuesday, November 05, 2013

New Transpersonal Psychology Book Worth Exploring

Some of you may already know about the new book about the field of transpersonal psychology:

The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology

We are so proud that so many of our faculty, alums and students contributed to this scholarly text. We have a print copy on display in the library on the table nearest the Reference Collection. We will attempt to ask all of the authors to sign it, but that may take some time.

We also purchased an e-book copy of the Handbook. This is available in the ebrary e-book collection. This is a multi-user access title, so 3 people can access it at once. Please be patient and try again if you are that 4th person. We will track usage to see if we need to purchase another e-copy.

Questions about this book? Please email us.