Zotero is an extension that works only with the Firefox Web browser.
You can download Firefox for free: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
Extremely user-friendly, Zotero goes beyond storing the author, title, and publication fields, and
exporting them into a bibliography. It has the ability to:
- Detect when you are viewing a book, article, or other object on the Web. Find and automatically save the full reference information in the correct fields.
- Annotate and/or archive entire Web pages.
- Save records and notes in a variety of languages.
- Tag and store information for easy retrieval.
- Easily export that information into MS Word or EndNote.
- Communicate with the software already installed on your computer (such as Microsoft Word).
- Be used offline.
Zotero has a myriad of additional features well worth investigating.
Best of all, it is completely free and available for download from http://www.zotero.org/.